Sunday 9 July 2017

Meet Couple Dubbed New York City's Loudest Lovers

A woman who has been keeping neighbours awake with her noisy bedroom antics has outed herself after people thought it was her pregnant daughter.

Olga Valerio, 49, and her toyboy lover Byron Perez, 26, have been dubbed New York City's loudest lovers after people complained about their loud sex six times in just three months.

Hairstylist Olga was reluctant to make their relationship public because she was worried they would be ridiculed for the age difference.

But she faced no choice when people started to think the loud noises were being made by her daughter, Dahiana.

She said: "At the beginning I was so embarrassed, but now I’m okay with it. I said, ‘If I need to tell the whole story, I’ll do it.’ I’m doing this for Dahiana."

Olga's fourth-floor home was named in a report listing the places with the highest number of complaints about loud sex.

After reading the report, many people assumed Dahiana, 31, and Byron were responsible for the noisy romps and her photos were splashed across local news outlets.

Her daughter started to receive unwanted attention, including a man offering to pay her $40,000 for sex.

The musician had been staying with her mum temporarily after a fall out with her ex-boyfriend.

She said it was extremely awkward when people thought she was having sex with her mum's boyfriend.

Olga and Byron met five years ago when she was taking out the rubbish in the building's courtyard, and their romance escalated quickly.

The mum-of-four said she had no idea their bedroom fun was so loud.

Bryon admits the couple used to leave their bedroom window wide open during sex, but they no longer do this.

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