Thursday 27 July 2017

Female lawmakers disrupt proceedings at house of reps

Female lawmakers in the house of representatives have disrupted voting on amendments to the 1999 constitution.

The lawmakers protested against the outcome of voting on “citizenship and indigeneship” for women.
The provision seeks to alter section 25 of the constitution to give married women right to choose indigeneship either by birth or by marriage for the purpose of appointment or election.

When the question was put to a vote, the amendment failed as the electronic voting tally showed 216.
Two hundred and forty votes are required for an amendment to be passed at the house.
Owing to some technical problem with the scoreboard, Yakubu Dogara, the speaker, put the provision to vote again.

When the problem was fixed and members voted, only 208 endorsed it, this prompted the women to stage a protest.

Source: The Cable

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