Thursday 31 August 2017

Blind man arraigned for watching child pornography

A 44 - year old British man has been arraigned for watching the “ worst variety ” of child pornography , despite the fact that he ’ s actually blind.

Andrew Shaw whose wife is also blind in support of her husband were helped into the Blackpool Magistrates Court by their guide dogs.

According to the Blackpool Gazette , Shaw faces three counts of possessing 71 obscene images of children on his computer . Twelve of the images are alleged to be of the worst variety.

His lawyer Allan Cobain said: “ This is an unusual case as my client is registered blind . He has no sight in one eye and only a small amount in the other . It may be argued that difficulty with his vision makes it difficult for him to put an age to images he downloads . He may think he is looking at 16- year - olds.”

He successfully asked magistrates to adjourn proceedings so that the Crown Prosecution Service could look at the file again.

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